Shane Bryzak has today announced the release of Seam 3.
Seam 3 is a modular collection of extensions to Java EE 6 based upon CDI which can be downloaded individually or as a complete bundle.  Shane describes Seam 3's goal as:
"to enable developers to create rich, standards-based internet applications by solving many of the challenges encountered when developing software in today's connected world."
Seam 3 contains many components to help developers build web applications including components for JSF, Wicket, Security, Persistence and more.  A full list of modules and their descriptions can be found at the Seam project site.
Seam 3 will work with ant Java EE 6 compatible application server such as JBoss AS or GlassFish 3.1 or by any servlet container with the Weld servlet extension. 

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