We've just posted a new article, "Introduction to JSF 2 Using NetBeans and GlassFish" by David Salter.
"Using NetBeans 6.8M1 and GlassFish v3, its possible to write Java EE 6 web applications.  In this article I'll be showing what managed beans look like and how they are linked up in Facelets pages.  I'll also show how to localize the application for use with different languages.  Finally, I'll show how the Bean Validation Framework (JSR-303) can be used to add simple validation to POJOs."
The article shows a simple JSF 2 application and shows how this is different from a traditional JSF 1 application.  The article explains the different annotations necessary to declare managed JSF beans and how the Bean Validation Framework (JSR 303) can be used to perform Server side validation.  Facelets is shown as the web view technology rather than JSP.
Both JSF 2 and the Bean Validation Framework are part of the upcoming Java EE 6 platform.

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