IntelliJ IDEA version 9 has been released by JetBrains and is available as an ultimate edition (with a 30-day free trial) and as a free Community Edition.
JetBrains describe IDEA as:
"a code-centric IDE focused on developer productivity. IntelliJ IDEA deeply understands your code and gives you a set of powerful tools without imposing any particular workflow or project structure. IntelliJ IDEA is your dream pair-programmer who knows its way around the codebase, makes great suggestions right when you need them, and is always ready to help you shape your code."
IDEA 9 contains many new features, a few of which include preliminary Java 7 support, Java EE 6 support and support for Android development. The full list of features (both new and existing) can be found here.
Whilst there is a free Community Edition, this lacks many of the enterprise features that are supported by the Ultimate edition. For example, SQL Support, Servlets and EJB support are not available with the Community Edition. JetBrains however, provide a feature comparison matrix showing what is available with each edition of the product.

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