ICEFaces 2.0 Alpha 1 has been released and is now available for download.
According to the ICEFaces blog
"This inaugural development milestone release of ICEfaces 2.0 provides the fundamental capability of running the next-generation ICEfaces core on the Mojarra JSF 2.0.1 runtime. You can plug the icefaces.jar into your existing JSF2 application and immediately receive some of the benefits of ICEfaces Direct-to-Dom rendering, such as providing incremental page updates without the need to specify the JSF 2 "f:ajax" tag. A sample application is included demonstrating ICEfaces 2 with JSF 2 ("h:") standard components, and Ajax Push.

Also included in this release is the initial implementation of the ICEfaces 1.x compatibility libraries, along with sample applications that demonstrate this capability. The ICEfaces 1.x compatibility libraries are used to readily port your existing JSF 1.2 / ICEfaces 1.8 applications to JSF 2.0 / ICEfaces 2."

The ICEFaces framework allows developers to build content rich web applications using Ajax technologies and JSF.  Further information about ICEFaces can be found at the framework's home page.

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