Over the last few years, Packt Publishing has become a leading Open Source technology publisher. In turn, the company has recognized the challenges and changing landscape of the Enterprise software world, and sees strong opportunities for books in Enterprise Applications, Middleware, SOA, and Implementations.
Packt is interested in developing books on the following Java EE technologies:
• Enterprise JavaBeans
• Java Business Integration (JBI)
• Java Message Service (JMS)
• JavaMail
• Java EE SDK
Packt focuses on producing cutting-edge books for communities of developers, administrators, and newbies alike. Amey Kanse, one of Packt’s Enterprise Acquisition Editors, explains: ‘Java EE is widely used for implementing enterprise-class service-oriented architecture (SOA) and creating feature rich enterprise web applications. There is a need for focused and practical advice on Java EE technologies and Packt books offer just that.'
Packt is looking for authors for its new Java EE books. Amey explains: ‘You don't need to be an experienced author to write for Packt; all you need is a passion for the subject and a willingness to share your ideas and thoughts. You could be an experienced programmer, a trainer, or someone who loves working with Java EE—our author-centric editorial process will help you get the most from writing.'
If you have a strong idea for a Java EE book that you’d love to read, but not write yourself, then please contact us with that too.
Our team of experienced editors helps develop your idea, check market potential, and give you regular feedback on how to write well and deliver excellent results without giving up all of your free time. Our marketing team also works closely with authors to help them promote the book and themselves as authors.
If you’re interested in writing Java EE books, we want to hear from you!
Please visit Packt at http://authors.packtpub.com to submit your book ideas and title suggestions.
London, UK, 3rd November, 2009 - Paremus, the company behind the Paremus Service Fabric, the first distributed OSGi(TM) Cloud Computing runtime, today announced Nimble, a lightweight, extensible and modular, OSGi-based server that makes it easy to develop and operate modular applications.
Nimble will be available as a free download from 16th November, 2009 fromwww.paremus.com/products/products.html.
Whatever the application type, favored framework (Spring, SpringDM, OSGi Blueprint Services or Guice) or JVM based language (Java or Scala), Nimble dynamically installs, assembles and manages all of the runtime components required by your application.
"Nimble provides a lightweight and effective way to cut through the complexity that comes with the development and use of highly modular applications" said Richard Nicholson, Paremus CEO and Founder, "Anyone who wants to speed up their OSGi and modular application development, simplify deployment and avoid framework and OS lock-in should take a look at Nimble."
A fast, simple to use and easily extensible dependency resolver and provisioner, Nimble:
  • Automates OSGi bundle resolution, deployment and removal of components.
  • Detects the application infrastructure needs e.g. Servlet stack for a WAR file, installing them on demand, and removing them when they are no longer needed
  • Offers user definable application policies to specify preferences for versions or component types
  • Is not just for OSGi and offers extensible dependency and deployment types. Nimble extends the Inversion of Control (IoC) principle to module level, recursively resolving, provisioning and configuring modules based on their dependencies and configured policy. This enables the enterprise runtime to dynamically configure and re-configure itself in response to the requirements of the hosted applications.
A General Resolver – Not Just for OSGi
Nimble capabilities are not constrained to just OSGi components. Its generic dependency resolution and assembly behaviors can be applied to any number of application types. For example, presented with a CRM or ERP JEE component, when extended, Nimble can dynamically install all the required infrastructure services to support these. When presented with an ESB configuration file (Mule or Camel), Nimble responds by installing all of the required ESB infrastructure components, configuring them in the manner dictated by the configuration file.
Enabling a True Enterprise Cloud
"While Cloud Computing marketing reaches fever pitch, many of the claims are simply vaporware. From an application perspective the solutions differ little from those available in the mid 1990’s where a static image of a software stack is deployed to a compute resource," said Nicholson. "The only difference today is that the compute resource may be virtual, and may be outside the firewall - but the basic principles are unchanged."
"Yet the convergence of Cloud Computing with OSGi-based applications will radically re-shape Enterprise IT," continued Nicholson. "Paremus recognized this convergence back in 2005 when Utility Computing and Grid were in vogue. The Paremus Service Fabric offers a solution that helps our customers leverage this opportunity today, and Nimble is the keystone to realizing this."
The Paremus Service Fabric, an aggregate structure formed of Nimble nodes, provides an adaptive, re-configurable resilient Cloud runtime for distributed applications.
"A customer can start small, using Nimble as a standalone OSGi server for new OSGi-based applications, or as a cost effective runtime for Spring applications, or WAR’s, and overtime they can easily migrate to the full distributed Service Fabric" said Mike Francis, Paremus Sales & Marketing Director. "Our aggressive pricing, iscompelling for any organization that wants to adopt Cloud Computing, but also for any organizations simply wanting a cost effective runtime for their existing applications."
Nimble will be available as a free download with a free 30 day renewable license from the 16th November, 2009. A perpetual license will also be available for only $250. The free download and further details about Nimble are available fromwww.paremus.com/products/products.html.
ICEFaces 2.0 Alpha 1 has been released and is now available for download.
According to the ICEFaces blog
"This inaugural development milestone release of ICEfaces 2.0 provides the fundamental capability of running the next-generation ICEfaces core on the Mojarra JSF 2.0.1 runtime. You can plug the icefaces.jar into your existing JSF2 application and immediately receive some of the benefits of ICEfaces Direct-to-Dom rendering, such as providing incremental page updates without the need to specify the JSF 2 "f:ajax" tag. A sample application is included demonstrating ICEfaces 2 with JSF 2 ("h:") standard components, and Ajax Push.

Also included in this release is the initial implementation of the ICEfaces 1.x compatibility libraries, along with sample applications that demonstrate this capability. The ICEfaces 1.x compatibility libraries are used to readily port your existing JSF 1.2 / ICEfaces 1.8 applications to JSF 2.0 / ICEfaces 2."

The ICEFaces framework allows developers to build content rich web applications using Ajax technologies and JSF.  Further information about ICEFaces can be found at the framework's home page.