After nearly 6 months of beta testing, NetBeans 7.0 has been released and is now available for download from the NetBeans site.
As usual, the Java SE, Java EE, C/C++ and PHP packages are available for download together with a package that contains all NetBeans modules. Additional functionality can be added to any of the base packages using the buildin Plugin Manager.

NetBeans 7 provides many new features including:
  • Language support for Java SE 7 new features (JSR 344) available with the JDK 7 developer preview.
  • Enhanced integration with WebLogic, GlassFish and Oracle database.
  • Enhanced support for Swing GUI development
  • Maven 3 support
  • HTML 5 editing support.
To support NetBeans 7, a new plugin portal has also been released. The NetBeans team describe the new portal as using:
"modern web technologies; features powerful searching capabilities and improved performance; provides an optimized user interface; and has resolved many design drawbacks of its predecessor."
Now that NetBeans 7 Release Candidate has been released, the NetBeans team are asking for your thoughts as to whether the software is stable for general release.
The NetBeans Community Acceptance Survey provides invaluable information to the NetBeans team about the stability and new features added into NetBeans 7,
If you're using NetBeans 7 RC, please consider completing the survey.
Shane Bryzak has today announced the release of Seam 3.
Seam 3 is a modular collection of extensions to Java EE 6 based upon CDI which can be downloaded individually or as a complete bundle.  Shane describes Seam 3's goal as:
"to enable developers to create rich, standards-based internet applications by solving many of the challenges encountered when developing software in today's connected world."
Seam 3 contains many components to help developers build web applications including components for JSF, Wicket, Security, Persistence and more.  A full list of modules and their descriptions can be found at the Seam project site.
Seam 3 will work with ant Java EE 6 compatible application server such as JBoss AS or GlassFish 3.1 or by any servlet container with the Weld servlet extension.